Improve Your Employer Brand with 2019’s In-Demand Benefits, pt. 1

Improve Your Employer Brand with 2019’s In-Demand Benefits, pt. 1

HR is getting some mixed messages about what part of a job package is most important to employees. While salary, in most cases, still comes out on top--according to Glassdoor, 67% of employees say this is most important to them--benefits and location, at 63% and 59%...

Do You Have Realistic Expectations About Hiring New Grads?

Do You Have Realistic Expectations About Hiring New Grads?

Ah, graduation day. Once all the mortarboards have all fallen to the ground, there's a new challenge ahead of these recent grads: Finding what is possibly their first real-world job. Recent college graduates apply to more entry-level positions on LinkedIn in June than...

What Can HR Do to Reduce Employee Turnover? Here’s an Honest Look

What Can HR Do to Reduce Employee Turnover? Here’s an Honest Look

As you likely know, the name of the retention game is hiring and onboarding engaged employees. In business, some turnover is inevitable, but the key idea is that low engagement doesn't have to be. Since we can't address the problem of retention until we understand it,...

How HR Can Improve Retention by Motivating Employees

How HR Can Improve Retention by Motivating Employees

When you want to do a nice thing for someone at work, what can you do? You could compliment them at the water cooler, prepare them a coffee or a batch of cookies, publicly recognize their great performance on a project—the list goes on, but different methods work for...